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© Copyright 2023 Brenda Swenson retains copyrights to all images (artwork and reference photographs). All images on this site are property of Brenda Swenson and may not be used in any way for commercial, financial or personal use without written consent. Brenda Swenson retains all rights to republication (printed and digital) and anything but personal viewing of artworks.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Watercolor Artist Magazine

It feels like Christmas in April...I just received my copy of Watercolor Artist (June 2011). I am so excited to see my article in print! The title of my feature is "Little Pieces of Color". In the article I share the technique of watercolor stained paper collage. I begin with the staining of the Japanese papers, drawing of design, collage, and finish with painting. I have five additional paintings included in the article. The color reproduction is great.
I am delighted to be included in this publication! If you would like to order a copy of Watercolor Artist magazine, click here. The magazine is also available at most major book stores.
Happy Painting!